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Chamber Type UTM & Hydraulic Type Tensile Grips
Writer : 관리자(salt@light-salt.kr)   Date : 20.09.28   Hit : 940
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Universal Testing Machine for testing of physical properties of materials (material science). An environmental chamber is fixed to the frame to study and test the properties of materials at different temperatures. A universal testing machine is capable of testing a variety of tests such as tensile, compression, flexural, shear, tear, puncture etc. They are useful and necessary for numerous reasons. Reasearch and development on new and more efficient materials, testing pre-existing materials, testing product parts or finished products to see failure points, quality checking between companies to maintain a certain quality threshhold - to name a few. Universal testing machines are used in education, labs, research, manufacturing etc. 

If you would have any questions or would like to inquire about any testing solutions, please feel free to contact Salt-S@light-salt.kr  
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